“Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, but beautiful old people are works of art” 

-Eleanor Roosevelt

The 5-Minute Journal

A Happier You in 5 Minutes a Day! The simplest, most effective thing you can do every day to be happier

For at least a decade I have wanted to keep a journal, and I start and stop journaling at least a few times each year. Each new resolution to journal begins with a trip to my favorite stationery store or to Amazon to purchase the latest "must have" beautiful blank book. After many half-written journals, much money spent, and most damaging of all, a stream of broken promises to myself, someone introduced me to The 5-Minute Journal created by Alex Iknonn and A. J. Ramdas.

At last, success! I found a journal that works for people like me. Not only have I stopped my wasteful pattern of collecting half-filled-out journals, but I have a daily and nightly journaling habit that I actually stick to.

I love the look and feel of the journal, and more importantly, I use it. The 5-Minute Journal launches me into the new day with a daily inspirational quote, weekly challenges, and 3 simple prompts. The morning practice begins with "I am grateful for," "What would make today great," and a daily affirmation: "I am..." After 5 minutes of writing rapid-fire bullet points, I have created a positive, inspirational intention the leads to a great day.

In the evening, I fill in bullet points for "Amazing things that happened today..." and "How could I have made today even better?" After answering the nightly prompts, I put my head on the pillow having taken the responsibility for the good that happened in my day and for where I can improve.

If you have been wanting to start a journaling practice, but have never quite gotten off the ground, try the 5-Minute Journal.


Candace Shivers

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