On this page, Love of Aging is curating a collection of mini-profiles of some of the most interesting and inspiring role models we can find–people whose vibrancy and enthusiasm for life is only increasing as they age. We created a set of questions (a la Marcel Proust) designed to provide you with a glimpse into their hearts, minds, and lives.
Enjoy! And be on the lookout as we add new Glimpses to our collection.

Lynn Underhill
As a toddler, Lynn shared her bottle with a baby fawn. She has had a deep love of wild things ever since. At 74, a retired IBMer, Lynn now lives in Arizona where she creates art from echos of nature’s presence called SoulGardens.

Doris Scott
Doris Scott is known for her ability to deeply connect with people while creating a safe, nurturing environment in group settings. She has worked in the training and development industry for more than 30 years, helping to grow and expand several national organizations.
Ariela Kohen-Marshall
Ariela Marshall has been married to her husband David Marshall for 39 years. She is a Senior Program Learder at Landmark Worldwide. She is a life long learner and someone who is sought after, recognized, and in demand as a person of extraordinary contribution.

Kathy Ping-Rogers
Kathy is a Northern Californian, who took up acting in her retirement after teaching elementary and preschool for 32 years. She met and fell in love with her husband of 23 years because he played the guitar and sang...

Jan Dillon
Jan Dillon is an adventurer…in life experiences, in marriages (4), in occupations – flight attendant, secretary, VP of a video production company, owner of clothing boutique, and for 20 years, medical staff consultant...

Molly Byock
Molly Byock is an early “Boomer”, who was loved in a wonderful family on the Jersey shore. She was an elementary and special ed teacher, who left education for other adventures that concluded with her retirement after 24 years with Toyota Motor Sales USA, Inc.

Linda Posey
Linda Summers Posey has been developing and sharing her creativity for over 40 years as a writer, jewelry designer, fine artist and intuitive painter. She is the founder of Outrageous Elders Outreach...

Selma Harwell
Selma Harwell has been led to develop her intuitive gifts since childhood. An artist herself, she has been married to her artist husband for 49 years and counting. Selma realized her childhood dream of being a mother by age 23, then began self-studies in midwifery, fulfilling on her dream...

Grant Gower
Born and educated in New Zealand, Grant and his wife began their married life with what they thought would be a two year adventure living in Melbourne, Australia. Eleven years later they left Australia and moved to Cupertino, CA with their two daughers.

Leslie Nordby
Born and educated on the East Coast, Leslie served as Assistant Director of Branches for the Los Angeles Public Library. She looooves to read almost anything - although she’s just beginning to enjoy poetry – and she participates in five book clubs.

Denise Schnitzer
Denise loves adventures, belly laughing, and having FUN! She’s lived in five states and two foreign countries, which proves she loves to travel and make new friends. Her Bucket List and Vision Board are her guiding forces.
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